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Richsdata Online Business Reference Data

Up-to-the-minute business reference databases covering fast-moving markets like high-technology, biotechnology and energy Online searchable reference service covering your local region (county, state, territory, country) Richsdata offers libraries complete flexibility in providing their members an online business reference tool for researching high-technology, biotechnology and energy companies. Your library can offer access to the county, city, state, territory or country – depending on your needs. Richsdata is updated every day; our electronic monitoring tools track news, wires and releases across thousands of public and private online information sources, converting that information into reference data for our customers.

Richsdata provides an intuitive search interface that enables your members to search using a variety of
  • Company name and keywords
  • Location including street, city, county, state, zip code proximity and area codes
  • Specific categories (our own proprietary coding system of 250 descriptors as well as NAICS and SIC)
  • Job titles, departments and job levels
  • Company size including employee numbers, sales revenue and public/private

Your library can take advantage of the flexibility and value offered by Richsdata by subscribing to our Online Library
  • Unlimited views
  • IP range automatic access
  • Remote access for at-home/at-business members

For more information on Library Offers,
please call 1-800-207-4103 today